Private Schools

# BEIS ID Name of Schools District Address Telephone/Fax no. Email Address Permit Verification
281 401453 Bestlink College of the Philippines Congressional District V 762 Topaz corner Sapphire Street, Millionares Village, San Agustin 0998-5738517 / 0932 882 8601 / 7799-66-17 / 0966-7335444 (Marimel) /
282 406500 Bethel Christian School of Fairview, Inc. Congressional District V Chestnut St. Cor. Republic Ave., West Fairview 431-8157 /FN 430-2343/ 09156450598
283 482612 Beulah Land Christian College, Inc. (Frmrly IEMELIF Learning Ctr., Inc.) Congressional District V Marytown Circle Greenfields I, Kaligayahan, Nova., Quezon City 8938-5973/ 0925-6265890 (lorena)
284 482607 Bloomridge Integrated School Congressional District V #248 General Luis St., Brgy. Nova.,Nova., QC 0920-9469883 / 0919-0601321
285 482620 Brain Integrated School, Inc. Congressional District V 6 Biscayne St., Fairview Park, Subd., QC 461-7557/806-9476/939-5390
286 409329 Capstone Highest Achiever Learning School Inc. Congressional District V B-10L2 Queens Road., Cor. Northwind Ave., 87000-1656 / 0915-2360219 / 7-369-7210 /0917-7036323 / 09958510554 /
287 401457 Colegio de Sta. Teresa de Avila Foundation Inc. Congressional District V 6 Kingfisher cor. Skylart Sts., Zabarte Subd., Novaliches, Quezon City
288 406446 Colegio de San Bartolome de Novaliches Congressional District V 737 Quirino H-way, San Bartolome, Nova., QC 419-8209/930-7839/ FN 419-4922 to 21/0932-8774457
289 406510 Covenant of Grace School ( Formerly Fairview Learning Center for Development, Inc) Congressional District V 6 Pearl St., Fairview Park Subd., QC 0917-8127591/ 0933-3433438 (Cristine) /
290 482971 Datamex - College of Saint Adeline, Inc. Congressional District V Datamex Bldg., No. 85 Commonwealth Ave., Brgy. Greater Fairview, QC 921-8350/0919-3480805 / 0945-6836168
291 482821 Discovery House Montessori of Quezon City Inc. Congressional District V #59 Adrian St., North Fairview Subd., Phase III, QC 419-7768/483-9691 / 0977-2839896
292 406474 Divine Grace School Congressional District V Ilang-Ilang St., Maligaya Park Subd., Novaliches, Quezon City Telefax 417-5284/0925-5103244/ 0947-3571-763 (Mrs Waldy)
293 482719 Einstein School for Kids Congressional District V B68L30, Hermano Mayor St., Greater Lagro, Nova., QC 8-9361055/0917-8445252/8-9369692 einsteinschoolfor
294 401468 Electron College of Technical Education Corporation Congressional District V #664 Electron Tech. Bldg. Quirino H-way, Brgy. Bagbag, Nova, QC 0998 726 2880/ 0928 555 0671 / 0960-5215502 (Alcen)
295 409925 Electron College of Technical Education Corporation Congressional District V CPE Building, Commonwealth Avenue, Fairview, QC 400-5537/ 0923-0889163 / 09171667344 / 0998-726 2880 /
296 409926 Electron College of Technical Education Corporation Congressional District V 661 Electron Building, Quirino H-way, Bagbag, Nova. QC 400-5537/ 0923-0889163 / 09171667344 / 0998-726 2880
297 482834 Escuela De Corazon of QC, Inc. Congressional District V B2L6 Magsaysay Ave., Doña Faustina, Brgy San Bartolome, QC 925-6131/0920-2083490
298 406512 Fairvew Baptist Academy, Inc Congressional District V B2 L2 Windsor cor. Peacock Sts., Fairview, QC Telefax 427-5960 to 61 / 09270658572
299 482522 Falcon Lrng. Ctr. Congressional District V 25 Falcon St., Fairview Park, Subd. West Fairview, QC 0917-5774231 / 0920-9201952
300 482682 First Mile Christian School Congressional District V Peseta Corner Riyal St., Phase 8, North Fairview, QC 461-3336